Day 1 - 29.01.2025 - Room Gustav Mahler + Foyer
Welcome note
- Matt Kelly (CTO of IPC)
- Dieter Müller (Chairman of FED)
Game changing future electronics using new passive components by combining new materials with AI
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Ebel (University of Southern Denmark)
The Role of AI in Electronics Design
- Alexander Gerfer (Würth Elektronik eiSos, Germany)
The Role of AI in Electronics Design
- Alexander Gerfer (Würth Elektronik eiSos, Germany)
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Ebel (University of Southern Denmark)
- Francis D’Souza (, France)
- Savita Ganjigatti (Sienna ECAD Technologies, India)
- Dr. Reinhardt Seidel (DEEPTRONICS, Germany)
A Silicon-to-Systems approach of an open-source smartwatch design
- Lukas Henkel (OV Technologies, Germany)
The Green Line throughout the Electronics Product Life Cycle
- Didrik Bech (Altium, Norway)
The Green Line throughout the Electronics Product Life Cycle
- Didrik Bech ( Altium, Norway)
- Dr. Wolfgang Heinbach (Syliom and COGD, Germany)
- Sebastian Schaal (Luminovo, Germany)
- Guro Krossen (Confidee, Norway)
- Susan Kayesar (Siemens, Israel)
- Dr. Diana Radovan (IPC, Europe)
Day 2 - 30.01.2025 - Room Sigmund Freud
Inductive Components on Silicon Substrate 300mm Wafer
- Jens Kehl (Würth Elektronik eiSos, Germany)
Integration of Advanced Wireless Technologies in Compact Consumer Device with Accurate Positioning Capabilities
- Dr. Malek Chaabane (habemus electronic + transfer, Tunesia)
Techniques of Interconnection in Electronics: An Engineering Design Roadmap to Advanced Integration and Knowledge Integration
- Cosmin Moisa (Continental, Romania)
Design for manufacturing and reliability of a high-speed HDI technology for space applications
- Dr. Maarten Cauwe (IMEC, Belgium)
A study on mitigation of resonances in metal shielding enclosures for integrated circuits
- Maria Cuesta-Martín (Würth Elektronik eiSos, Germany)
Overcoming PCB Design/Simulation challenges while using Very Highspeed Ethernet Switch chipsets
- Savita Ganjigatti (Sienna ECAD Technologies, India)
High Voltage simulation with electro-thermal models
- Octavian Luca (Schaeffler, Romania)
Novel Method to Prove Power Module Design Robustness Using Hyperparameter Tuning With SHERPA
- Wilfried Wessel (TU Dublin and Siemens EDA Germany)
Software based design optimization of an embedded power module
- Janagan Papperi Devarajulu Deenadayalan (AT&S, Austria)
Press-fit technology – experiences with the design of press-fit zones
- Frank Uibel (Uibel Consulting, Germany)
Establishing Design Rules for (Laser) Depaneling of Printed Circuit Boards
- Patrick Stockbrügger (LPKF, Germany)
Multiphysics System Simulation of Power Electronics and their Usage for Digital Twins
- Rene Fuger (CADFEM, Austria)
Day 2 - 30.01.2025 - Room Gustav Mahler
AI-assisted DfM in THT-solder joints
- Dr. Reinhardt Seidel (DEEPTRONICS, Germany)
Augmented BoM Scanning : the Ultimate in Design for Excellence
- Arnaud Grivon (Thales, France)
Design for Cost – key aspects of PCB production costs
- Jennifer Vincenz (ILFA, Germany)
The role of the digital twin concept in assessing and optimizing copper electroplating process performance
- Robrecht Belis (Elsyca, Belgium)
PCB design for programmability (DFP): Influence of the PCB design and the programming system on the Assembly Production
- Pietro Poletto, Ivan Liberotti (SMH, Italy)
Robot-Assisted Testing Concept for Electronic Assemblies in Small Batch Sizes Using AI
- Dr. Richard Scheicher (BMK professional electronics, Germany)
Structural analysis of printed circuit board assemblies: Challenges and Solutions
- Dr. Harald Ziegelwanger (Elastic-Simulations GmbH, Austria)
Enhanced Modeling and Characterization of Copper Foils for PCB Design
- Dr. Lukasz Nowicki (QWED, Poland)
OpenMagnetics, a free open-source platform for design magnetic components with academia knowledge
- Alfonso Martínez (OpenMagnetics, Spain)
AI-Driven Optimization of Semiconductor Selection for Enhanced Reliability in Power Electronics Converters
- Dr. Mohammed Ali Khan (University of Southern Denmark)
AI-Driven Automation of ECAD Library
- Savita Ganjigatti (Sienna ECAD Technologies, India)
Using AI for sustainable electronics design
- Francis D’Souza (, France)
Status: Nov. 28, 2024 / changes are possible