Terms and conditions of participation in the PEDC

Electronics Design Conference

29-30 January 2025, Vienna

1. Contract design and scope of application

The following terms and conditions of participation apply exclusively to the Pan-European Electronics Design Conference 2025 (PEDC). Official organizer and contracting party is Fachverband Elektronikdesign und -Fertigung e. V. Cooperation partner is IPC Electronics Europe GmbH. A contract for participation in the PEDC is generally concluded upon receipt of the invoice as confirmation of registration.

2. Participation fee

The amount of the participation fee is based on the categories shown on www.pedc.eu. The participation fee is due upon receipt of the invoice. There will be no price reduction for non- participation. Participation in the PEDC is only possible after payment has been made. Students can register at a reduced rate by sending a certificate of enrollment. The organizer reserves the right to check the accuracy of the information provided.

3. Services

The following services are included in the participation fee: conference participation (including attendance at all lectures and the exhibition), lunch, snacks, drinks during breaks and the networking event.

The conference program can be downloaded from www.pedc.eu after publication. The organizer reserves the right to make changes during the course of the event and to replace or omit individual lectures or modules. These changes do not entitle the participant to a refund of the participation fee, parts thereof or other expenses. Hotel accommodation is not included in the price and is to be booked by the participant separately. The number of participants for the evening program is limited due to capacity reasons. If the organizer has to refuse participation in the evening program for capacity reasons, the conference participant is not entitled to claim back or reduce the participation fee on a pro-rata basis.

4. Cancellation

Cancellation by participants must be made by e-mail to mail@pedc.eu. Registrations can be canceled free of charge up to four weeks before the start of the event. After that, the full invoice amount is to be paid in any case. The statutory right of withdrawal remains unaffected. In case of no-show or late cancellation, there is no entitlement to a refund of the participation costs. A substitute participant can be named in good time before the start of the conference at mail@pedc.eu.

5. Note on image, film and sound recordings

The PEDC will be attended by photographers, press representatives and film crews. By registering, you agree that the organizer and the co-operation partner may use the photos, sound and/or video recordings made during the event for editorial purposes or for promoting the PEDC or as part of the organizer’s and co-operation partner’s corporate communications.

6. Rejection of a registration

The organizer can reject a registration for the PEDC without stating reasons.

7. Cancellation by the organizer

The organizer reserves the right to cancel the PEDC for important reasons. In this case, the participation fees will be refunded in full. Further claims (e.g. claims for damages, reimbursement of travel expenses incurred, etc.) do not exist.

8. Rights of use

Presentations and event documents are protected by copyright. Duplication, distribution or other use of the documentation is only permitted with the express written consent of the authors.